Thursday, June 24, 2010

Where we are today.

Rather than start from the beginning of the story I will start with where we are today and fill in the gaps as I go along. Today (meaning the current period in time and not today specifically) I still have a headache. It ranges in intensity from 4 out of 10 through 10 out of 10, and my vary in intensity through out the day. I have just received the results of an extension/flexation MRI and it came back completely normal just like all the other MRI's. This is frustrating for many reasons. It is widely believed by my doctors, myself and my family that the headaches originate in my cervical neck, some might call them cerviogenic headaches. While the neck appears to be the cause of the headaches, imaging of the neck shows little to no abnormalities. Over the course of the last 2+ years I have been prescribed 50+ medications many of which are to treat symptomatic problems such as nausea while the rest having little effect at permanently or in most cases even temporarily alleviating the headache.   Perhaps one of the most complicating problems with the medication approach to treatment is the most common medication used to treat migraines are triptans (Imitrex, Zomig, etc...) which I happen to be allergic to. I have posted the complete list and all of the things I have tried in earlier posts. Alas I must go to bed for tomorrow at 7am I have surgery scheduled for an unrelated tooth problem or is it?? One can always hope...