Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Prize for the best headache cure

Now recruiting headache/migraine cures. This is the time to make your suggestion. Winning cure will win something. Can't think clear enough to come up with a prize yet, but will come up with one. So don't hold back. I am counting on you for help. After all the doctors have yet to help me.

Please know I will not try all suggestions, but do feel free to humor me. Please leave your suggestion as a comment. See the post below for what has already been tried and suggested.


  1. Eels could heal an aching head. Origin: Ancient Greece. In ancient Greece, healers thought they had it all figured out. They had modern (for that time) ways of fixing just about every malady that came their way - plus, hey, they got to walk around in chalmys and sandals all day. It’s no wonder they were so confident. One of their favorite remedies for headaches was to allow the sufferer to be shocked by an electric eel. Since the maximum sting of these powerful fish be extremely painful (and repeated shocks can be fatal), you have to wonder if the treatment was worse than the condition.

  2. Have you tried seeing a chiropractor for a few visits? It isn't an immediate cure, but proper back alignment is said to help with many problems. It takes a few visits in order to get the muscles to loosen up in the correct position.
