Thursday, March 31, 2011

First Road block and Second Chances

Whew this was a busy week and mixed in with all of the craziness we experienced the first road block to having the stimulator placed. Well you know what they say about the best laid plans ... They went to a complete halt when the insurance company denied the procedure.

Fortunately we are not out of hope, last year my head ache specialist recommended I obtain the help of a nurse advocate through my insurance company.  Who knew there was such a person, but, there is and while at the time other than establishing a relationship we did not need the nurse's help. Well, when I got the rejection letter one of the first calls I made was to my nurse advocate. The nurse helped me understand the appeals process and encouraged me to work closely with the my referring doctor to submit it. In addition in the processes of reviewing my circumstances she discovered I had been pre-approved for as many Botox treatments as my Dr. feels I need through Feb 2012. One of the reasons Botox treatments have been an issue is the length of time for the pre-approval (now taken care of) and scheduling the Dr. required usually about six weeks of misery before the treatment is done and kicks in. So at least one hurdle has been knocked down and should shorten the time I spend in headache misery.

So moral of the story expect rough seas and get a nurse advocate at the very least they can talk through options with you. -SG

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